M3 expands partnerships for financial, data management

Cloud-based financial and data-management platform M3 has launched a series of new and expanded partnerships to boost its portfolio of more than 6,000 hotels worldwide. 
The company recently added 16 single-property customers and 10 multiproperty customers to its portfolio. An additional 19 existing customers expanded their relationship with M3 by adopting more products and services to support their operations. The new and expanded partnerships add 433 North American properties to M3’s portfolio.
New M3 customers include Giri Hotel Management, Daly Seven and Adrift Hospitality.
The company’s solutions include Accounting Core, M3’s entry-level solution; Time Management, a day-to-day labor management and monitoring tool; Insight, M3’s business-intelligence platform; and M3’s Professional Accounting Services.
In 2020, M3 is slated to roll out a series of new enhancements to its products.