HCN unveils Guest Choice housekeeping option

The Hotel Communication Network unveils “Guest Choice,” patent-pending technology that enables guests to use HCN’s in-room Navigator tablets to opt out of room cleaning, potentially saving owners up to $50 per room per month in labor costs. In addition to determining if and when they want their rooms cleaned, guests also are given the option to request late check-out for a fee. 

"Giving guests a choice in how they prefer to interact with the hotel during their stay is key to driving loyalty, boosting satisfaction scores and improving online reviews," HCN CEO Kevin Bidner said in a statement. "We've taken service personalization to a new level by extending it to the housekeeping department. By asking guests daily if they want their rooms cleaned (or if they prefer to be left alone) and giving them the option to select a time of day to have that task performed shows them that the hotel cares about their experience. 

“Once armed with that data, hoteliers can improve operational efficiencies by knowing in advance when and where to schedule staff. There is no need to disturb a guest that prefers privacy; instead room attendants can make up rooms at a time more convenient to each guest. Not only is this a better use of labor, but revenues from late checkout requests are increased.”

Here’s how Guest Choice works via the HCN Navigator tablet:

  • Ask guests the day and time they want their room made up, or if they prefer privacy.
  • A guest choice report is prepared the night before to maximize staff scheduling.
  • The evening before checkout, guests are asked about their departure. Additional late check-out options with associated costs can be presented.

“Guest Choice is a simple three-step process that not only boosts guest satisfaction and loyalty, but the return on investment from our Navigator tablet is realized in a very short time,” Bidner said. “Based on our preliminary data, a 200-room hotel can drive $120,000 to the bottom line annually, while a 1,000-room hotel can achieve more than half a million dollars or more in savings through this program alone.”