6 ways sustainability is changing hotels

Sustainability has been a growing focus for hoteliers in the last 10 years. This is good news for all of us as the hospitality industry has had a significant impact on the environment due to its rate of water consumption as well as hotels’ use of consumable goods and energy.

At the same time, hoteliers have realized that natural elements can be incorporated into a property to enhance guest experience and drive overall revenue. 

Here are just some of the changes “green thought” has encouraged in the hospitality industry.

1. Cost Efficiency

Hotels can find a balance between reducing cost and improving efficiency by implementing better working procedures and constantly developing environmental technologies. Strategies for reducing, reusing and recycling waste are vital for the hotel's profitability in the long run.

Other evolving areas include prioritizing quality of air and cleaning product use, improved performance and higher levels and employee satisfaction.

2. Better Guest Experience 

Investing in environmental technologies can have a positive influence on the guest experience. Hoteliers are increasingly paying attention to lighting, furnishings and other front-of-house products that leave their impact on consumers and influence both occupancy and ADR.

3. Corporate Brand Image 

Embracing a sustainable business culture can make a huge difference in attracting and retaining guests. Younger employees are drawn to industries that look past profitability and instead focus on benefits of the community. In other words, they are eager to work with companies that make a difference.

4. Economic Incentives 

Governments have encouraged economic incentives for the development of environmental improvements and construction of “green” buildings. These incentives can include insurance premium discounts, tax write-offs, financial grants and expedited regulatory permitting.

5. Regulatory Affairs 

The present environmental regulation aimed at the hotel sector mainly focuses on the handling of hazardous material, environmental health and safety and storm-water management. Changes to all of these aspects of hospitality will influence the design, construction and operational methods of hotels going forward.

6. Brand image 

These days, most of the hotel flags have incorporated a certain level of sustainability into their brand standards. Sustainable business practices will lead to an improved brand image—which offers better profits for the long haul.

Erich Lawson is very passionate about the environment and is an advocate of effective recycling. He writes on a wide array of topics to inform readers on how modern recycling equipment can be used by industries to reduce monthly wastage bills and increase recycling revenue. You can learn more about environment saving techniques by visiting his blog on Compactor Management Company.