Minimalist Lighting: Gunnar from Landscape Forms

Landscape Forms has joined its long-time partner Urbidermis Santa & Cole to introduce Gunnar, an adaptable architectural lighting system that gives outdoor environments precise, context-specific illumination and cohesive, minimalist aesthetics.  

Designed by multidisciplinary artist Antoni Roselló, Gunnar is inspired by the work of Swedish architect and key representative of Nordic Classicism Gunnar Asplund. The lighting system touches on both the traditional and the contemporary to complement a variety of architectural styles. 

The lighting system centers around Gunnar's floodlight projector, an LED luminaire whose fluted housing evokes the columns of classical and neoclassical architectural movements. As this aesthetic is applied across Gunnar’s variety of mounting styles and as its performance tailored through Gunnar’s variety of accessories, distributions, outputs and color temperatures, the system becomes a cohesive way to achieve a range of lighting needs. 

Wall-mounted, catenary or pole-mounted in a variety of heights with up to six projectors per single pole, Gunnar provides layered, multifunctional lighting in any environment. Further customizability through adjustable mounting arms, different symmetric and asymmetric distributions, different outputs, 3000K and 4000K color temperatures, and diffuser screen accessories ensures the right quantity and quality of light for the right context—throughout green spaces, highlighting art and architectural details, along plazas, walkways and promenades as well as on building entryways and façades.