Stylish Doors: Vue Hinged Patio Door from Weather Shield

Weather Shield has expanded its Vue Collection, an all-aluminum product line, to include the new Hinged Patio Door. The new door system joins with the Collection’s existing multislide patio doors to create glass gateways that combine expansive outdoor views with the ability to maximize space and blend into most room configurations.

Defined by clean lines, square interior profiles and modern aesthetics, the new doors can be hinged to swing to the inside or outside depending on the available space and each room’s configuration. Available in customizable heights up to 12 feet feet tall, they are also constructed with a unique polyamide design that helps prevent thermal bowing in addition to promoting thermal and structural performances. Other distinct hinged patio door elements include a stainless steel, multipoint lock system that secures the door panel in five places and an optional simulated lock box that mimics the look of a steel door.

Designers will be able to combine these doors with other Vue Collection products.