Beverly Hills hotels install energy-storage system

In California, the adjacent Beverly Hilton and Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills have implemented Nostromo Energy’s sustainable energy-storage system for both hotels. The system is designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enable the hotels to reach their sustainability goals while saving on energy costs. This project with hotel ownership and real-estate asset management groups Alagem Capital Group and Cain International marks the first hospitality industry partnership using Nostromo’s technology. 

During peak hours, air conditioning in commercial and industrial buildings accounts for approximately half of California’s energy demands. Fortunately, these buildings have the potential to reduce their demand from the electric grid during peak times by installing energy-storage solutions. Energy storage not only lowers the building’s energy costs and carbon emissions, but also enables more EV charging capacity, and provides resilience during extreme weather. By charging the storage systems with clean energy and using it when the grid-power is fossil-based, buildings are able to reduce the grid’s reliance on fossil fuels and drastically cut carbon emissions.

The 1.4 megawatt-hour energy storage system aims to supply energy for cooling at less than 50 percent of its current cost and reduce CO2 emissions by 150-200 metric tons annually, or more than 5,000 metric tons for the life of the system. The IceBrick system will charge using power from the grid at times when renewable energy levels are high, to freeze water into ice, then use the ice in the late afternoon and evening, when power demand reaches its highest levels, to provide energy for cooling instead of using fossil-based energy from the grid in the late afternoon.