Baywood Hotels adopts Hotel Investor Apps' business intelligence software

Baywood Hotels, a privately-held development and management company operating more than 120 hotels nationwide, has expanded its utilization of Hotel Investor Apps' ERP and accounting platform with the addition of HIA Intelligence, a business intelligence product.

Baywood Hotels already realized benefits from HIA’s ERP and accounting software, streamlining back-office processes with automations and workflows for everything from dynamic multi-tier approvals to accounts receivable and enjoying advanced consolidated financial reporting.

“We have been extremely impressed with the robust functionality of HIA and their responsiveness to customization requests," Ron Asarawala, VP of finance and asset management at Baywood Hotels, said in a statement. "HIA is the most supportive team I have ever worked with.”

With the addition of HIA Intelligence, a hospitality-specific business intelligence solution for operations, finance and labor management, Baywood receives daily actionable insights such as alerts based on their custom thresholds and AI anomaly detection.

To provide Baywood with the customized business intelligence insights and data points they sought, HIA built tailor-made dashboards for Baywood’s asset managers, operational managers and general managers, which they now use daily.

HIA’s commitment to continually developing its ERP, accounting and intelligence platform resonated with Baywood as they focus on tech-forward solutions. Recent enhancements to HIA Intelligence, including an expanded labor management tool with a new employee details dashboard and a new daily and monthly operations recap dashboard with side-by-side labor metrics, inform labor management decisions in each of Baywood’s regional asset groups. Additionally, a new POR dashboard helps asset managers benchmark expenses and drive operating decisions.

“This is exactly the intelligence tool we were looking for at Baywood," said Jeff Desai, Baywood Hotels vice president and asset manager. "It is so helpful to see the different KPIs at a glance and have the flexibility to segregate the data by layers of filters and drill down for deep analysis. The HIA team has been great to work with, building out dashboards to our specifications.”