The Andante Inn of Sedona implements BeyondTV GuestCast

The Andante Inn of Sedona has installed the BeyondTV GuestCast streaming platform from Hotel Internet Services. The upgrade is meant to meet guest demand for seamless access to personalized TV entertainment, according to HIS.

Property leadership sought out a provider to provide a hassle-free experience for first-time users, ensure full experience personalization capabilities and keep personal information secure. BeyondTV GuestCast can instantly cast content from virtually any streaming service a guest may wish to access. The platform's pairing process involves scanning a QR code.  

“The quality of guestroom entertainment has become a competitive factor for hospitality businesses across the industry, so our goal was to provide the best possible experience to our guests which we can confidently say has been achieved with BeyondTV GuestCast,” said Anthony Watkins, GM of The Andante Inn of Sedona, in a statement. “After a fast and painless installation, our guests are thrilled with the ease-of-use that BeyondTV GuestCast offers in accessing the content they enjoy on guestroom TVs and we have yet to receive a request for troubleshooting assistance. Unlike smart TVs that require the entering of login information for streaming accounts, BeyondTV GuestCast also sidesteps this need completely which eliminates any possible concerns and maximizes the level of trust our guests have in using the system.”

In addition to not requesting streaming account login details, BeyondTV GuestCast includes advanced device isolation capabilities. This feature prevents either the accidental or malicious casting of content to televisions located in other guestrooms.