Hôtel 71 in Quebec City, Quebec, has implemented Hotel Internet Services' GuestCast content streaming platform, which allows guests to access any streamed content on the guestroom televisions. With options to pair their personal devices with guestroom TVs by scanning a QR code, GuestCast helps guests connect their device to the platform without requiring staff assistance. Hôtel 71’s decision to adopt GuestCast also comes from the solution’s ability to provide instant compatibility with thousands of mobile streaming apps.
“Regardless of their age or personal background, guests now widely expect hotels to provide a modern streaming-based entertainment experience, which is especially the case for high-end properties such as Hôtel 71,” Assistant GM Mathieu Savard said in a statement. “We therefore set ourselves the goal of identifying a streaming system with the best features at an affordable price, which is what ultimately led us to GuestCast. Since adopting the solution, we have been impressed by the ease and flexibility that it provides our guests in taking control of their TV-viewing experiences, and look forward to leveraging all of GuestCast’s capabilities in order to provide an in-room entertainment service that always exceeds expectations.”
GuestCast’s hotel purpose-built functionalities are also designed to address potential guest concerns over data security and privacy. The platform never requires guests to enter sensitive streaming account login information, which can lead to an increased risk of theft. Guest privacy at Hôtel 71 is further protected by GuestCast’s advanced device isolation capabilities. This feature prevents guests from accidentally casting content to televisions located in other rooms, while also preventing those who may seek to maliciously take over another guest’s TV.
Via a single interface, property staff can use the analytics dashboard to monitor individual GuestCast device health in real-time. The feature further allows the property to analyze GuestCast usage rates in order to measure the level of success of their in-room entertainment strategy. The dashboard can be used to analyze Wi-Fi signal strength for each guestroom where the device is located. This allows Hôtel 71 and other properties supported by GuestCast to instantly intensify any Wi-Fi service issues and correct them before affecting guest satisfaction rates.